Press Release: LifeNet Celebrating ‘30 Years 30 More’ of Service in 2023

Marketing & PR Coordinator
(918) 978-2952
For Immediate Release | June 20th, 2023

LifeNet Celebrating ‘30 Years 30 More’ of Service in 2023

2023 marks 30 years of excellence for LifeNet Emergency Medical Services. Since 1993, LifeNet has served at least 951,196 patients in Oklahoma, Texas and Southwest Arkansas. Beginning from Christus St. Michael and Wadley Regional Medical Center, both hospitals merged their ground and air ambulance services into one non-profit EMS agency called LifeNet Inc. Today, LifeNet has more than 450 employees serving nearly 350,000 people. LifeNet operates as a private non-profit company incorporated in the state of Arkansas and is seen by a 15-member board of directors.

For the past 30 years, LifeNet has been committed to excellence by receiving a CAAS Accreditation seven times in a row. This accreditation showcases our commitment to high standards, extremely high-quality patient care and quick and responsive dispatch. LifeNet is only one of eight other EMS service providers in Arkansas that have obtained this accreditation. While accreditation is not required to run a ground ambulance service, LifeNet is committed to excellence and always putting the patient first. Our next review will begin in 2024. Life Net’s new Community Health Paramedic is also committed to excellence by enhancing the patient care that LifeNet provides. The Paramedic is set to finish his course in the summer of 2023 and begin work with High Utilizers of 911 to reduce calls and help connect them with services that would better fit their needs.

The theme of 2023 is ‘30 Years 30 More’ looking behind and celebrating our past, as well as pushing forward and enhancing the future. In looking at our future, LifeNet has created an internal EMT class to encourage and educate those looking to work as an EMT. With classes in Texarkana and Hot Springs, Arkansas, the class is set to graduate 15 students this summer who will then go on to challenge the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians. LifeNet has helped fund at least 19 AEDs in all of our service areas since 2019. LifeNet provides up to $900 in reimbursement towards the purchase of a Zoll Plus AED. Where defibrillation is provided within 5 to 7 minutes, the survival rate from cardiac arrest is as high as 49 percent.

LifeNet will be hosting a 30th year celebration party on October 11th, at the Texarkana Convention Center from 11-2. Light refreshments will be provided with a presentation beginning at 11:30. Please join us in celebrating our past, our present and our future as we serve the communities we reside in each day.